Hi I’m Lisa! What’s your name?

I’ve been told that my name was chosen because my parents wanted a short first name to go with my long last name ( maiden name Kwasniewski). What a sentimental gesture.

How many Lisa’s have you met? Probably many, as Lisa is a very common American name. I’ve always gone to school with and have worked with other Lisa’s. Usually we were differentiated by our last initial. At one job there was another Lisa K. She was referred to as “little Lisa” and I was “big Lisa”. Fortunately, it was because of our height not weight. Currently I work with three other Lisa’s and we go by last initial. Except that one’s last initial is D and I’m G which gets confusing if we are paged. I’m now called Lisa Ann to tell the difference . Surprisingly the others middle names are not Ann.
Who would’ve thought having such a simple name would become so complicated? Yes I’ve heard of more complicated issues. Just small talk here…get to know ya kind of talk.

If you can change your name what would it be?

I’ve always liked the name Sara (no H) which is also name of my oldest and dearest friend. I never met a Sara I didn’t like…come to think of it…I never met a Lisa I didn’t like. 😉